Sunday, February 9, 2014

Playing with watercolors.  She just flowed out of the brush.  Almost no underdrawing done.  Did this during the superbowl.  I lost myself in her so much, that if it wasn't for DH yelling when someone scored, I would have totally missed who won the game!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

This was my third drawing which is done in watercolors.  I started off going for the softness of the watercolors that I love.  Then added a touch of red for the lips with pencils.  There was no going back from that red, so I just embraced it!

Playing with color pencils.  This one I 'm not so sure of.  I didn't quite get the pencils blended as I am used to with other paint mediums.  She feels a bit rough to me.  I need more practice, I think.

It's been a long time since I posted, but...well, there is always a but.  I've been lucky enough to start off this year with a get together with some of my "arting" friends and so excited to be able to do some drawings again.  Currently, I am taking part in a challenge to do 29 faces in February.  It's one per day plus a bonus drawing.  These are four that I did all in pencils.  I totally loose track of time while drawing, which means I am dashing to make dinner or catch up with house chores.  Sometimes, those just have to take a back seat to art!


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