Black and White isn't as easy as it would seem! While doing this and a few other ATCs in black and white, I really found it quite challenging not to add a touch of color. My work usually is full of colors, sometimes way too much, so this was out of my comfort zone. First I stamped the moon. Then I painted the tree and the leaves. Added the fairy on a toadstool. I had to darken quite a bit of the fairy, because she just seemed too transparent. To ground the toadstool and to hide the ugly base, I added grassblades and flowering stalks! This might be look like it lacks color, but in the end, I felt I'd actually added a new color to my palette.
5 years ago
ooh, I love it! I may not have "colors" but it has depth and personality for sure! Love it! Oh, did I say that already? :)
Oh my heavens, Renu! This is stunning! I love the way you added stamps and your own drawing! It is fantastic!
That's funny. I love monochromatic pieces and I have to really push myself to use color. This is a great piece. Nicely done!
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